Foto: Especial La víctima era aspirante a músico bajo el seudónimo de "Reese"  

Maurice Willoughby Jr, un joven de Filadelfia, se suicidó después de que se hiciera viral un video en donde un grupo de hombres se burlaran de él por tener una novia trans.


En la grabación se observa cómo al menos un grupo de seis personas hacen burla del joven.


“¿Te gusta fornicar hombres? ¿Te gusta chuparlos?”, le gritaron a Willoughby, entre risas.





Tras confirmarse el deceso, usuarios de redes manifestaron su indignación con el hecho.



Entre las voces que lamentaron lo sucedido, sobresale la de la escritora Janet Mock, autora de la serie Pose, quien publicó que:


“Mi corazón se rompe por Reese, por su novia y sus seres queridos. Estos hombres que le gritan son más que frágiles, están parados en un inestable altar de masculinidad, demasiado inseguros para hacer lo que hizo Reese: amar sin pedir disculpas a una mujer que todo el mundo dice que no merece amor”.


La víctima era aspirante a músico bajo el seudónimo de “Reese”.




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My condolences to Reese’s Family & loved ones. I’m so sorry that we exist in a world where loving someone deserving of love equates to be undeservingly hated for it. That we are punished for daring to love freely. Thank you for loving faith openly and bravely, you deserve that, and she deserves that. This is so traumatic to even know happened, I can’t imagine what pain you must be enduring faith. This world is so senselessly cruel and wicked to trans people that the people who love us wind up inheriting the violence we experience. Being visible while trans is dangerous, and being visibly in love seems even worse. Faith don’t you ever for a moment blame yourself or your existence for the violence you and your partner have experienced. Cis men, if there is anything you can learn from trans people, it’s that Noone can take you identity away from you, You deserve to love freely openly and without violence, and you are never alone.. You are in the company of people who have been fighting to exist and love freely for generations. Listen y’all: verbal, emotional and psychological, assault is violence. Stop hurting people who deserve and just want to love and be free as much as you all do. We MUST stop blocking pathways for love, freedom and safety for ourselves and eachother. The generationally traumatized state of behaviors that normalize the distruption of freedom, love, & cause chaos, violence, biggotry, bullying and terrorism must be unlearned in our communities. How are we loving black trans women? how are we loving black boys? how are we loving eachother? Why are humans so hungry for justifications to harm and demonize eachother? The healing needs to begin or we will forever be in a traumatized state of endless wars with love.

Una publicación compartida de IAM (@indyamoore) el



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